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Reply to If you can only do 150-200 miles what section would you choose?

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Reply to If you can only do 150-200 miles what section would you choose?
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Paul Turner from Wadsworth, Ohio on 1/4/2024 7:23:43 PM:
My dog and I are planning to do a portion of the Erie Canal this summer. We only have a week and about 60 miles a day is our limit with her in a trailer. We plan to start on the western end (closer to home) ride east and then ride back to our vehicle

Daryl on 1/5/2024 8:17:21 AM:
One way of figuring this out in a way that would provided the most info to you and be specifically tailored for yourself is by clicking on the "Trip Planner" button. Since your dog will accompany you, if he/she is trotting along beside you you might consider looking for veterinarian services along the route. If the web site doesn't have that, try a duckduckgo search for the villages you'll pass thru.

From there you can pick any starting point, and see what services are along the 60 miles you will travel from your starting point.

Also, something to think about is whether you mean 60 miles out and 60 miles back or 60 miles round trip.

Just as a tip (perhaps incorrect, but remember what you paid for it!) I've read and seen that the most interesting locks are toward western part of the canal at Lockport. I've enjoyed that part. Beautiful sweeping scenes of farmland, open sky, little danger for a dog, and nice villiages along the way that have essential services. However, I'd be very cautious with a dog going thru Rochester (where there are interesting locks). Maybe you could start west of Rochester and go west, or start in Lockport and go to the western part of Rochester.

Check out the "Towns and Services" menu at the top of the page, and make up your own mind.

Paul Turner from Wadsworth, Ohio on 1/10/2024 3:19:42 PM:
Thanks for the info. I pull the dog in a trailer but I still try to avoid roads. I'll probably limit the trip to Pendleon-Clyde. Maybe add Herkimer to Albany if things go well. That way there arent very many sections on the road and those seem short,

screen name from Optional, USA on 1/10/2024 5:42:00 PM:
Were I traveling from Ohio, and going to tow a dog, I'd start in Lockport, NY and go East. It is very rural and safe. I think that most of the towpath through Rochester is on a way that is separate from roadways.

The canal thru Rochester is supposed to be interesting, as it "crosses" a north-south river. Seeing how the west-east canal crosses that river is supposed to be something to behold... and engineering feat for its time.

I spent alot of time on the towpath toward Albany in my early days... mostly watching the boats go thru the locks. I think that riding on the "path" thru Albany will be your most hazardous stretch.

Paul Turner from Wadsworth, Ohio on 1/10/2024 9:21:01 PM:
Thanks for the feedback. Its been very helpful

screen name from Optional, USA on 1/10/2024 10:05:09 PM:
Since you are coming up from Ohio, it is worth while to know that the "topath" actually starts in downtown Buffalo.

I don't have anything against Buffalo, but sometimes the path in urban areas adjoins a busy highway. What a rotten place to ride with all those guys speeding by, leaving you in their exhaust, but alive at least.

If you start at Lockport, you'll see a set of locks there that is worth while seeing. From there the path eastward is pretty darned safe. Of course, watch out in Rochester, and think about skipping Syracuse somehow.

Forget bout your 200 mile goal and just have a goal to bike a beautiful stretch of the historic towpath is safety. I'm a geezer and would head back before reaching syracuse.

The tiny "villages" along with way are worthwhile stopping... to get a pizza and a beer.... because they are teeny and that is the most you can expect. HOwever, I found that pizza and beer was perfect and enough... if it was available.

As you bike, try to imagine what those villages must have looked like when the canal was in operation and served activity along the way.

Most important: take no risks that could endanger your dog. Your dog is your best friend and will keep you safe along the way.