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Reply to Black Brook Park in Clyde

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Reply to Black Brook Park in Clyde
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dawn danyluk from ORCHARD PARK on 4/12/2021 11:12:37 AM:
can i park here overnight? i want to bike to Syracuce, stay overight and return to Clyde the next day.

wnybubba from Bflo/ROC on 4/12/2021 12:19:37 PM:
Dawn - I doubt that anyone on this Forum has the correct answer. Best to see if this is a Town or Village owned property and ask them for rules or permission.

Yankee John from Vermont/Rexford on 4/12/2021 9:39:53 PM:

Riding through Clyde last year I left my wallet at a farm stand on Burrell Street/Rt 372 where I bought some fruit and sat in the grass for a lunch break. The owner of the farm stand had watched me, found my wallet next to the cashbox. She was related to a Clyde City Police officer and called the on duty police to track me down riding east. In the end the County and City Police and the farm stand family all assisted in finding me and returning my wallet. They were very bike-tourist friendly. I would call the Clyde Police and ask about Black Brook Park and for recommendations for a safe place to park your car.