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Reply to PTNY -- New 2021 Edition of Trail Guide

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Reply to PTNY -- New 2021 Edition of Trail Guide
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wnybubba from Bflo/ROC on 12/20/2020 9:19:02 PM:
I wonder how much better this edition is. I felt that the last Guide wasn't worth much. However, the PTNY website announces the 2021 Edition with this text in the description:

The 5th edition of Cycling the Erie Canal includes miles of new trail added as part of the Empire State Trail, plus the most recent information on lodging, attractions, and bike shops. 38 full-color maps provide the perfect tool to plan your bicycle trip along the trail.

With interactive maps (here and there), GPS, Google Maps and much other technology, not sure this is going to worth the investment.

Bktourer1 from Da Bronx (living in Mass) on 12/23/2020 3:54:53 PM:
When planning from home this could be good for reference before your tour. If I don't get to Ireland this year, I'm gonna get one for initial planning

Ho Nguyen from St. Mary’s City, MD on 2/1/2021 5:14:53 PM:
I’ve just ordered the 2021 edition yesterday to plan for my ride later this year. I think of this guide as an useful tool for planning purposes.

wnybubba from Bflo/ROC on 2/1/2021 8:00:49 PM:
Ho Nguyen,
Planning purposes it is probably a decent reference. The interactive maps on this site and PTNY are ideal. The "Guide" does segregate the trail into areas and lists certain resources and points of interest. However, on the trail, IMHO, it is not worth the weight to carry. A good instance to reference would be when I was in Syracuse and needed a bike shop... Googling "Bicycle Shops close by" gave me all the [good] information that I needed. Again in need of different things on the trail, there are always friendly people on the trail near small towns and larger cities who gave me stellar information.