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Mongoeric from Burlington, Vermont on 5/5/2020 8:10:30 PM:
Planning on doing the entire trail from Buffalo to Albany as soon as the area reopens.

I have lots of questions but one key on is where can I download a file to us on my Garmin. Another website says the *.fit file is best, but for other rides I've used the *.gps.

Any help greatly appreciated.


wnybubba from Bflo-Roc on 5/21/2020 12:57:55 PM:
Eric - I don't know the answer, but due to lack of responses here, why don't you try touching base with Parks & Trails NY and see what advise you can get. Please post what you find out!

(518) 434-1583

John from Pittsburgh, PA on 5/21/2020 5:29:52 PM:
Ride with GPS or Strava should have these.

From Ride with GPS:
Export File Formats
Every Ride and Route on Ride with GPS can be downloaded to your computer as a TCX Course, TCX History, FIT Course, GPX Track, CSV, or KML.

I do not know if these will load on your Garmin but I’m guessing yes.

Need to register. Once in, just search for Buffalo to Albany or Erie Canal. There’s quite a few to pick from.
