Unity Island Park in Buffalo
JTBiker from Greensburg PA on 08/30/2021 09:02 PM:
Can you park for several days here?
What is the cost per day?
Is it safe to leave your vehicle for several days?
Bill in Houston from Houston on 09/13/2021 11:47 AM:
I wouldn't leave my car there.
wnybubba from Bflo/Rochester on 09/13/2021 04:56 PM:
JTBiker -- pretty much Unity Island isn't car accessable, but more of a walking Pier and any parking would be short-term. Looking for a place to leave your car? Right there is Rich Products who have a big parking area for both their offices and an event venue. Further north off Niagara Street there is a Marina (Harbor Place Marine) & West Marine store. Large parking lot there -- right on the bikepath. For either of these call and ask kindly ask permission.